Weighted Tardiness Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setups

This set of benchmark instances for the problem known as Weighted Tardiness Scheduling with Sequence Dependent Setups originated in as part of the Ph.D. Dissertation research of Vincent A. Cicirello from Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute. Weighted Tardiness Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setups is an NP-Hard single machine scheduling problem. The problem instances in this benchmark set have varying levels of duedate tightness, duedate range, and setup time severity. This benchmark set includes the instances, the current best known solutions, a problem generator, and links to relevant publications. The benchmark set is licensed under the MIT license.

There are multiple ways of downloading the benchmark instances:

For Java source code to generate instances of the problem, see the Open Source Software tab.

How to Cite

To cite this benchmark problem set in your research, cite the following technical report:

Publications Associated with this Benchmark Set:

Original appearance, description of the benchmark set:

The Java implementation of the problem set generator was first available in conjunction with the following publication:

Various updates of the best known solutions: